Friday, November 9, 2012

Election Impressions

I've never claimed to be big on politics, or how the process works.    This is because I don't believe that my vote makes a difference.   What can one person do too a system that more often seems to look out for big companies and large corporations instead of the individuals of a country?  But yes...  I still vote - for the principal of voting itself.  Besides...  if I don't vote, do I get the right to complain?  ;-)

So my post won't be on which candidate I liked, or telling you how you should've voted  like I've seen so many posts about on facebook - instead my post is about how I think the process should work, and this not from a political science major or activist, just from me.... middle of the road  typical average American. 

A two-party system.

That's odd.   I counted more than two choices for President on my ballot.   I think if the third party candidates jumped through the proper hoops to get their names on the ballot - then they should get equal time on the debates.

But why stop at the debates?   For a long time I've felt that political ads should not be allowed?   Why?   because it seems like the candidate with the best ads ends up winning.  How is that fair?  Instead I think there should be a 24/7 channel dedicated just to politics with each group appearing on the ballot getting equal time. 

And that's my more than 2 cents.

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