Thursday, October 25, 2012

Listia should be list*lie*a....

So recently I tried the online auction site Listia.  How Listia works is - you don't buy things with cash.   You buy them with Listia credits.   You get a lot of them for signing up, and doing other tasks like filling out your profile and referring friends.   Of course the fastest way you get credits is by listing things in listia auctions.  You do not get paid for them.   Instead you get Listia credits that you use to bid on auctions you want.

As you can imagine,  there's a lot of not-too-fancy stuff on there.  Yard sale leftovers, miscellaneous items...  but that's the beauty of it or so I thought.  It's a place where all those common items can clear out of your life and go to someone who really wants them.

So, I signed up, and sold my first item :  a book.  I had enough credits to bid on an auction I wanted - and I won!  I sent the seller my address...  weeks went by and no item.  I filed a dispute with Listia ....  I thought I was told that my credits would be held neutral until it was solved.  Well - my credits were given to the seller in spite of the dispute I filed.

I wrote to the seller who never answered.

I went to leave negative feedback and to my surprise I couldn't leave negative feedback.  Only positive or neutral on account that I had filed a dispute.  Listia.   Set up for scammers.

So I told the lady what I thought of her actions.  Told her she must be hard up to scam people out of fake money to buy bits and bobs on listia........

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Easily amused, are we really?

So, recently I saw a gas station that advertised how you could watch TV as you pumped gas - because there are TVs installed on the pumps themselves now.  At first I was wow'd. (wow.)  And then I was struck by it. have we really become such a society where we need entertainment every possible second?  Social psychologists already are wondering how humanity and culture itself will adapt with the progression of smart phones and how "connected" we are to techno gadgetry - but not always too each other.

While it's easy for me to sit here and condemn - tables of friends who are sitting together but are on their phones, or families where mom and dad are on their laptops and iPads while the kids are playing video games, I must turn my critical eye inwards.  Sure I usually don't do that kind of thing, but what about the times where I've check my facebook while being out, or spent too much time on facebook - or have decided  that it's much more fun to be online or watching TV than it is, say going to the gym or working on dozens of projects that I could be doing.

I wonder what would society would be like it we attempted to interact with more people face to face instead of through phones or computers.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Love your body day / a weighty issue

                                                            Happy love your body day!

Yeah I didn't know about it either until I saw this on facebook -

                                                           For more information click here

I say it's about time.   As being a non-thin person I have struggled with weight since I was a pre-teen.  And in my 30 years on this planet I have discovered the truth as far as food and I are concerned to be that I can either

A - Starve and be miserable thinking about the next time I get to eat a piece of celery

B - Give up completly which feels equally as bad


C - Be content making minor changes and adjustments to get my body where I want it to be, loving myself on the journey.

So far C has proven to be the best choice. 

As being a \non-skinny I have found that it seems like size is that last thing that some people feel is acceptable to make fun of a person for.  Or I hear comments like "so and so should just go to the gym more" or "so and so should try a salad"....  these are often comments made by people who are fit-thin themselves and who may not realize that it isn't that easy for some of us.   So drop the superior attitudes already.  Maybe they were just blessed with a fast metabolism and/or enough time to work out.   It's like telling a thin person they should just eat a cheeseburger.   Yeah, you know what?   Maybe it isn't that easy for them, either. 

We all have our reasons for being in the shape that we're in.  This is venturing into what is possibly more-than-you-want-to-know-about-me land, but after all..... this is my blog and my thoughts. 

Take me.  Partially genetics, partially the meds I needed as a baby because I was born very early, partially the pre-diabetes that I have, and hey - I'll admit it - partially the fact that I like to eat.   But as you see it's not simply from laying around watching tv all day and/or stuffing my face - because I'm fairly active.

One of my thin friends eat like a horse - and for as long as I've known her has been a size small.  She's had people tell her to gain weight. 

And I guess dancing has taught me a lot as well too.  It would seem that very few of the women I know (can't speak for men) - aren't happy with who or what they are.  The very things I think are beautiful about them - are sometimes what they dislike about themselves.  Why hate yourselves so bad?   It's easy to point fingers at the media I mean, what with ads like this:

                                                                                  Article here
Which totally makes me want to run out and buy a ..... wide angle lens?   Wait..... what?   But also, some people seem to just naturally hate themselves no matter how beautiful  they are.   Maybe it's human nature.  Or maybe it's other aspects we don't like about ourselves that surface as body issues.  After all - isn't it easier to lift weights or go on a diet than to work on our motiviation, skills set or attitude?

When it comes down to it - we are only given the one body, so why not love it and appreciate it?  Of course this doesn't mean you can't change it here or there, but what about accepting yourself as you are until you reach your goals?

A lot of people I know - of all body types - are intimidated to do things like go to the gym or dance at concerts.  "What if people look at me?"  Well I used to be that way too.  Now I've gotten over it.   I love having fun and enjoying myself and if someone is going to take offense to my presence - then they can kiss my ask. 

                                         Watch this cute 3 year old talk about kicking some ask.